The most tedious task is to cut out the rectangular holes for the buttons. Printed and laminated overlay and adhesive marker dots When printing, make sure to choose ‘Actual Size’ or a similar option in the print dialog if available.

Each overlay is available in 4 different formats:
In the overlay subfolder of the downloaded ZIP file, you will find two overlay versions: Black and White If you want to explore in detail what you can do right now, just skip the next chapter and scroll down to ‘Function Mappings’ below. You can cut out it already and put it on the controller or just print it out and place it next to the controller while getting used to all the functions. Next, I recommend to print out the overlay.

turn the first knob to adjust the exposure of the current picture.press the second button of the second button row to open the development module with the basic module settings.press the first button of the second button row to open the library module.If everything has gone right, you should be able to From the location, where you have extracted the ZIP file, select the file midi2lr\presets.txt.From the Lightroom menu bar select File > Plug-in Extras > MIDI2LR > Load presets.Next, we have to load additional MIDI2LR presets: